First, we must distinguish between loosing weight and loosing fat. Muscle is heavier than fat. However, I will assume you want to loose fat. Lemme mention that this is very hard to do ONLY with diet Unless You Are Lucky to be already slim. However it is not impossible, it just requires very strong willpower & motivation. Ft

Eat frugally. BTW decrease the amount you eat slowly - coaxing the body to accept the new diet. Otherwise some where along the way you will go on a binge.

Eat slowly and take time to chew thoroughly. When you have had enough, the stomach sends a signal to the brain. This can only be recognized if you eat slowly.

Never drink water along with your meals. This dilutes the gastric juices interfering with good digestion. Drink water before meals or 10 minutes afterwards.

On an empty stomach, right after brushing your teeth in the morning, drink 3 glasses of water. The water should be premeasured. Drink without a break. Take care, hat air does not enter. Increase glasses by one, after 3 months subject to a maximum of 10 glasses.

After an hour of step 4, drink lemon juice (DONOT add water) with honey instead of sugar. Too much honey causes constipation. Honey at night(before going to bed) increases body fat. Do this for 1 month only THEN just drink lukewarm water.

Eat plenty of fruits NOT fruit juice They contain lots of vitamins, minerals and water content. This decreases the quantity you consume. They are also rich in fibre conspicuosly absent in fruit juice, which acts against constipation.

Decrease or do away with sugar.

Decrease salts in your diet

However, tobe more effective do exercises too. BTW exercise is artificial. You can be active by playing games eg squash,badminton, basketball, football, swimming etc. Be sure you enjoy it. That way it will be more beneficial.

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