Background Of The Study

The 21st century requires equipping children with basic education in literacy and numeracy, as the more advanced completes skills needed for living that can serve as the foundation of life, enabling the children to adapt and change life abetting to life changing circumstances. Basic education remains the most important factor that enables the very process in enhancing knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for societal and national growth of any country of the world. Learning is an activity of acquiring and applying knowledge to facilitate meeting individual needs.

The objectives of secondary schools as stated in the national policy on education (NPE: 2004) are:

1.     Preparation for useful living in the society

2.     Preparation for higher education

The junior secondary schools (JSS) refers to education that is prevocational and academic designed to enable students acquire further knowledge other than acquisition of literacy and numeracy and also develop basic life skills. This level of education is for children of about 12-14 years and it is for three years. The curriculum has on education are:

1.     English language

2.     Mathematics

3.     Creative Arts

4.     Basic science

5.     Agriculture

6.     Basic Technology

7.     Business studies

8.     Civic Education

9.     Social studies

10.                        Home Economics

11.                        Physical and health Education

12.                        Christian Religious knowledge

The knowledge acquired at this level provides the children with the ability to cope with issues, relating to the entire spectrum of their survival, well-being knowledge on how to deal with people and situation encountered. It also helps them to interact with others and appreciate their own rights and respect opinions of others. Students who have finished with this level of education and are equipped with a little vocational knowledge for survival will go to the next level which is the senior secondary school (SSS). This section of education is academically and vocationally designed for those waiting to complete the six years circle. Its core subjects in the curriculum are comprehensive and designed to broaden students’ knowledge and outlook.



The Core Subjects Are:

1.     English language

2.     Mathematics

3.     One Nigerian language

4.     Physics or chemistry of Biology

5.     Literature in English or history or Geography

6.     Agricultural science

The core subjects are basic subjects which will enable students offer and study a particular course in higher institution of learning if need be. Mathematics is a field of study or subject in schools.

The origin of mathematics as a core subject in secondary school system may have been an attempt by the policy makers to solve certain quantitative problems of human’s daily life. Today, the importance of mathematics permeates all aspects of human endeavour. Mathematics as the queen of sciences cannot be completely separated from other sciences. Increasingly, applicants for the best employment opportunities will need a good grasp of science mathematics and computer technology. Mathematics as a core subject is one of the most important subjects in secondary school education both in senior and junior secondary schools. Mathematics is relevant for both those students who are likely to continue to tertiary level of education and those who will not proceed. It equips students with a body of knowledge to make them functional and socially relevant in the fast changing world (Marcus 2010

Statement Of The Problem

Students say that mathematics is a hard or difficult subject. Some agree that mathematics is the hardest subject known to man. Some say that it ought it is the hardest nut to crack. The rest believe that mathematics is meant for the intelligent ones and should be studied by them alone. So many ask questions like “why do we do mathematics?” “how and where do we apply the knowledge of mathematics?” These questions and more other questions are being asked on daily basis. So many have concluded that nothing on earth will make them know or understand mathematics again. A good number of students frown fret at the mere mention of the name “mathematics”. All these complaints and problems have not stopped the study of mathematics in schools.

But despite all the hatred students have on mathematics, mathematics was made and is still one of the core subjects in both senior and junior secondary schools. Despite the fact that many students have concluded that mathematics is hard, “no go area”, insurmountable, difficult, it is still made compulsory for every student even up to the tertiary level of education. Every student in the college of education offer mathematics from the first year to the final year. Some universities made it compulsory for every first year student.

The researchers have therefore decided to study the relevance of mathematics that made it to appear as one of the core or compulsory subjects despite the hatred students have on mathematics in Nsukka Local Government of Enugu state.

Purpose Of The Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relevance or importance of mathematics to the education of the students. Our study specifically sought to:

1.     Find out those factors that make mathematics relevant to the education of the Senior Secondary School Students.

2.     Find out the factors motivating the students to learn mathematics.

3.     Find out the application of mathematics in senior secondary .


Specific Purpose:

Our study specifically sought to

1)    Find out the benefits of teaching mathematics in schools

2)    Find out the ways materials would be used to improve the performance of the students in the subject.

3)    Find out the extent teachers would improve in the subject

4)    Find out the ways by which mathematics is relevant to other subjects.

Research Questions

To help the researchers in conducting this study, the following research questions were posed:

1.     What are the benefits of teaching mathematics in school?

2.     Are adequate instructional materials used in the studying of the subject?

3.     Are teachers encouraged to teach the subject matter?

4.     Is mathematics relevant to other subjects?

Significance Of The Study

The researchers have embarked on this study in order to

1.     Determine the benefits of teaching mathematics in schools

2.     Ascertain how the use of materials in teaching mathematics will improve the performance of the students in the subject.

3.     Determine the extent the use of necessary incentives will improve teachers performance in teaching mathematics.

4.     Determine the relevance of mathematics to other school subjects

5.     Make necessary contributions.

Scope Of The Study

          The study is delimited to the relevance of mathematics as a core subject in senior secondary schools in Nsukka Local government Area of Enugu State

Definition Of Basic Concepts

Mathematics: Mathematics is the knowledge, learning and study of topics such as quantity (number) structure, space and change.

School: A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students or pupils under the direction of teachers.

Relevance: Relevance is the concept of one topic being connected to another topic in away that makes it useful to consider the first topic when considering the second.

Core: Core is the central, innermost or most essential part of anything.

Subject: A subject is a branch of knowledge as a course of study.



          This introduction attempts to examine the related work to this study. In this regards, literature would be reviewed under the promoting headings.

1.     The meaning of mathematics

2.     The nature of mathematics

3.     Meaning and relevance of mathematics Education

4.     Objectives of mathematics education

5.     Problems of teaching and learning Mathematics

6.     Recommended solutions to the problems of teaching and learning Mathematics

The Meaning Of Mathematics

According to Maria et al (2005), mathematics is both the language and the tool of the sciences which enables the scientists to carry out their work, solve their problems, interpret their findings and inventions, investigate and predict the future and generally improve the world. They further stated that “without mathematical methods and symbols, the scientists would be very handicapped in their work”. Mathematics is both the language of the scientists as well as of people in everyday life.

          Galileo Galilei cited in Marcus (2010) said, “The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written It is written in mathematical language and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word. Without these, one is wondering about in a dark labyrinth”. This means that mathematics is the language of the universe.

According to Amujiri and Eya(2013),Mathematics refers to the science of quantity and space. It is a systematic, organized and exact branch of science. Mathematics provides an appropriate tool of communication amongst scientists for the understanding of theories.

          According to Zieglar (2011), mathematics is the study of topics such as quantity (number), structure, space and change. Mathematics is the abstract science of numbers, quantity and space either as abstract concepts (pure mathematics) or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and Engineering (applied mathematics).

          The American Heritage Dictionary defines mathematics as the study of measurement, properties and relationships of quantities and sets using numbers and symbols. It is an abstract representational system used in the study of numbers, shapes, structure, change and relationship between concepts.

Carl Friedrich Gauss referred to mathematics as “The queen of the sciences”

          Benjamin (1992) called mathematics “the science that draws necessary conclusion”.

           Hilbert in Birkhauser (1992) said mathematics “we are not speaking here of arbitrariness in any sense. Mathematics is not like a game whose tasks are determined by arbitrary stipulated rules. Rather it is conceptual system possessing internal necessity that can only be so and by no means otherwise”.

The Nature Of Mathematics

          Albert (1923) stated that “as far as mathematics refers to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality”.

`        Mathematics relies on both logical and creativity and it is pursued both for a variety of practical purposes and for its intrinsic interest. For some people and not only professional mathematicians, the essence of mathematics lies in its beauty and its intellectual challenge for others, including many scientists and Engineers, the chief value of mathematics is how it applies to their own work.

          Mathematics is the science of patterns and relationships. As a theoretical discipline, mathematics explores the possible relationship among abstractions without concern for whether these abstractions have counterparts in the real world. The abstractions can be anything from strings of numbers to geometric figures to sets of equations. In deriving for instance, an expression for the change in the surface area of any regular solid as its volume approaches zero, mathematicians have no interest in any correspondence between geometric solids and physical objects in the real world (Devlin 1996).

          A central line of investigation in theoretical mathematics is identifying in each field of study a small set of basic ideas and rules from which all other interesting ideas and rules in that field can be logically deduced. Mathematicians like other scientists, are particularly pleased when previously unrelated parts of mathematics are found to be derivable from one another or from some or more general theory. Part of the sense of beauty that many people have perceived in mathematics lies not in finding the greatest elaborateness or complexity but on the contrary in finding the greatest economy and simplicity of representation and proof. As mathematics has progressed, more and more relationships have been found between parts of it that have developed separately-for example: between the symbolic representation of algebra and spatial representations of geometry. These cross-connections enable insights to be developed into the various parts; together, they strengthen belief in the correctness and underlying unity of the whole structure.

          Many mathematicians focus their attention on solving problems that originate in the world of experience. They too search for patterns and relationships, and in the process thy use techniques that are similar to ones used in doing theoretical mathematics. The difference is largely one of intent. In contrast to theoretical mathematicians, in the example given above, might study the interval pattern of prime numbers to develop a new system for coding numerical information, rather than as an abstract problem. Or they might take the area/volume problem as a step in producing a model for the study of crystal behaviour (Delvin 1996).

The result of theoretical mathematics often influences each other. The discoveries of theoretical decades offer to have unanticipated practical values. Studies on the mathematical properties of random events, for example; led to knowledge that later made it possible to improve the design of experiments in the social and natural science. Conversely, trying to solve the problem of billing long distance telephones users fairly, mathematicians made fundamental discoveries about the mathematics of complex networks. Theoretical mathematics, unlike the other sciences is not constrained by the real world, but in the ling run it contributes to a better understanding of that world.


Mathematics Education

          According to Wikipedia, mathematics education is the practice of teaching and learning mathematics along with the associated scholarly research.

          Researcher in mathematics education are primarily concerned with the tools, methods and approaches that facilitate practice or the study of practice, however, mathematics education research has developed into an extensive field of study, with its own concepts, theories, methods, national and international organizations, conferences and literature.

Relevance Of Mathematics Education

          Galieo Galilei quoted in Marcus (2010) said, “The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the character in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language and the letters are triangles, circles, and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word. Without these one is wondering about in a dark labyrinth”.

          Education should be started with mathematics. For it forms the well designed brains that are able to reason right. It is even that are able to reason right. It is even admitted that those who have studied mathematics during their childhood should be trusted, for they have acquired solid bases for arguing which becomes to them a sort of second nature.

          Mathematics is around us. It is present in different forms whenever we pick up the phone, manage the money, travel to place, play soccer, meet new friends; unintentionally in all these things mathematics is involved. For examples, in cooking, we apply percentage, in Bank. We apply saving and credit (Arithmetic), medicine/pharmacy. We apply percentage. We apply probability in the chance to win lottery. We apply geometry in clothing, house decoration, art, architecture.

          Carl Friedrich Gauss referred to mathematics as “the queen of sciences”. This implies that mathematics is the sense behind all the sciences.

Maria et al (2005) deduced that “without mathematical methods and symbols, the scientists would be very handicapped in their work”. Mathematics is both the language of the scientists as well as of people in everyday life.

Most of the school subjects cannot be harnessed without the application of mathematics for example, Algebra is applied in computer sciences, cryptology, networking, studying of symmetry in chemistry and physics, Calculus (differential equations) is applied in chemistry, physics, engineering, the motion of water, rocket sciences, molecular structure, option price modeling in business and Economics model etc.

None of the social and natural sciences can be fully discussed without the application of mathematics.

          Students are encouraged to give serious attention to their future. The career world is competitive. Most of the university degrees require mathematics. Students who choose not to take mathematics seriously or to ignore it in high school forfeit many future career opportunities that they could have. They essentially turn their backs on more than half the hob market. The importance of mathematics for potential careers cannot be over emphasized. It is almost impossible to get through a day without using mathematics in some way, because our world is full of numbers to handle and problems to solve. Studying mathematics provides you with the tools to make sense of it all, making life that little bit easier.

So we can conclude that mathematics play an important role in our daily life.

Objectives Of Mathematics Education

According to Maria et al (2005), at different times and different cultures and countries, mathematics education has attempted to achieve a variety of different objectives. These objectives have included:

1.     The teaching and learning of basic numeracy skills to all students.

2.     The teaching of practical mathematics (arithmetic, elementary algebra, trigonometry) to most students to equipping them to follow a trade or craft.

3.     The teaching of abstract mathematical concepts (such as set and function) at an early age.

4.     The teaching of abstract mathematical concepts (such as set and function) as an example of the intellectual achievement of  the modern world.

5.     The teaching of selected areas of mathematics (such as Euclidean geometry) as an example of axiomatic system and a model of educative reasoning.

6.     The teaching of advanced mathematics to those students who wish to follow a career in science, technology, Engineering and mathematics fields.

7.     The teaching of heuristics and other problem solving strategies to solve non-routine problems.

Problems Of Teaching And Learning Of Mathematics

According to Woodward and Montague (2002), the problems in teaching and learning of mathematics include the following:

1.     Fear and failure:  If any subject area of study evokes wide emotional comment, it is mathematics. While no one educated person would profess (or at the least; not without a sense of shame) ignorance. It is quite the social norm for anyone to proudly declare that he/she never could learn mathematics. While these may be adult attitudes, among children, there is often fear and anxiety. Mathematics anxiety and ‘math phobia’ are terms that are used in popular literature.

Such fear is closely linked to a sense of failure, by SS I, many students start seeing themselves as unable to cope with the demands made by mathematics. In senior secondary schools, among students who fail only in one or two subjects in year-end examination and hence are detained, the maximum numbers fail in mathematics. The largest numbers of Board Exam failures also happen in mathematics.

1.     Inadequate teacher preparation. More so than any other content discipline, mathematics education relies very heavily on the preparation that the teacher has, in his own understanding of mathematics, of the nature of mathematics and in his boy of pedagogic techniques. Textbook centered pedagogy dulls the teacher’s own mathematics activity. At two ends of the spectrum, mathematics teaching poses special problems. At the primary level, most teachers assume that they know all the mathematics needed, and in the absence of any specific pedagogic training, simply try and uncritically reproduce the techniques they experienced in their school days. Often this ends up perpetuating problems across time and space.

         At the secondary and higher secondary level, some teachers face “different situation. The syllable have considerably changed continuing education programme for teachers, their fundamentals in many concept areas are not strong. This encourages reliance on notes” available in the market, offering little or depth for the studies.

2.     Curricular Acceleration: A generation ago, calculus was first encountered by a student in college another generation earlier; analytical geometry was considered college mathematics. But these are all part of secondary school curriculum now. Such acceleration has naturally meant pruning of some topics; there is far less solid geometry or spherical geometry now. One reason for the narrowing is that calculus and differential equations are critically important in undergraduate sciences, technology and engineering, and hence it is felt that early introduction of these topics helps students proceeding further on these lines. Whatever the logic, the shape of mathematics education has become father and more spindly, rather than broad and rounded.

3.     Disappointing curriculum: Any mathematics curriculum that emphasizes procedure and knowledge of formulas over understanding is bound to enhance anxiety. The prevalent practice of school mathematics goes further: a silent majority give up early on, remaining content to fail in mathematics, or at best, to see it through, maintaining a minimal level of achievement. For these children, what the curriculum offers is a store of mathematical facts, borrowed temporarily while preparing for test.

                    On the other hand, it is widely acknowledged that more than in any other content disciplines mathematics is the subject that also sees great motivation and talent ever at early age in a small number of children (Krutetki, 2006). These are children who take to quantization and algebra easily and carry on with great facility.

       What the curriculum offers for such children is also intense disappointment. By not offering the conceptual depth, by not challenging them, the curriculum settles for minimal use of their motivation. Learning procedures may be for them, but their understanding and capacity for reasoning remain under exercised.

4.     Crude Assessment:

               We talked of fear and failure while what happened in class may alienate, it never evokes panic as does the examination. Most of the problems cited above relate to the tyranny of procedure and memorization of formulas in school mathematics, and the central reason for the ascendancy of procedure is the nature of assessment and evaluation. Tests are designed (only) for assessing a student’s knowledge of procedure and memory of formulas and facts and given the criticality of examination performance in school life, concept learning is replaced by procedural memory. Those children, who cannot do such replacement successfully experience panic and suffer failure.

      While mathematics is the major ground for formal problem solving in school, it is also the only arena where children see little room for play in answering questions. Every question in mathematics is seen to have on unique answer, and either you know it or you don’t. in language or in sciences, you may try and demonstrate partial knowledge, but  (as the students see it), there is no scope for doing so in mathematics. Obviously, such a perception is easily coupled to anxiety.

                 Amazingly, while there has been a great deal of research in mathematics education and some of it has led to changes in pedagogy and curriculum, the area that has seen little change in our schools over  hundred years or more is evaluation procedures in mathematics.

Recommended Solutions To The Above Problems

      According to wheeler (2012) while the litany of problems and challenges magnifies the distance we need to travel to arrive at the goals of mathematics education, it also offers hope by way of pointing us where we need to go and steps we may/must take.

      We summarize what we believe to be the central direction for actions towards the goals of mathematics education. We group them into four central themes.

I.            . Shifting the focus of mathematics education from achieving “narrow” goals to “higher” goals.

II.            Engaging every student with a sense of success, while at eh same time offering conceptual challenges to the emerging mathematician.

III.            Changing mode of assessment to examine students’ mathematisation abilities rather than procedural knowledge.

IV.            Enriching teachers with a variety of mathematical resources.






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