Background of the Study

        The use of the electronic sophisticated and automatic machine called computer has justified the saying of our time that the world is global village. The computer make work done conveniently and faster, Adedapo (2010). Large volumes of data with the aid of  computers are processed automatically into information and distributed across the globe in few seconds. Individuals, organization and governments communicate with one another, transact business and share ideas without incurring transport expenses and risks of life through electronic information media with the aid of computer.The everyday life of the people around the globe has been entirely influenced by the computer as it is nearly used in every area of human endour be it industry, agriculture, economy, medicine etc. Agu (2005).

        Due the wide spread use of computer around the around the planet earth and the fast growth of the computer industry, the teaching and learning of computer studies in schools emerged as a new subject. Therefore the teaching and learning of this computer studies with qualified competent teachers studies became paramount especially at the junior secondary level so as to catch them young, Osuala (2002).The effectiveness of teaching and learning of computer studies involves practical and it needs adequate facilities and equipment with the corresponding instructional materials.Therefore to tackle the problems militating against the teaching and learning of computer studies at the junior secondary school level, the needed facilities and instructional materials should be adequately provided.According to Nwachukwu (2000), instructional materials are the object that can be seen or touch which enable learners acquire knowledge, skills and attitude. Instructional materials makes lessons more meaningful and promote effective learning.         

        The teacher is a big question in the teaching and learning of computer studies. His qualification goes a long way to determine the effectiveness of computer studies in junior secondary schools. Gana (2004) have it that the performance of the students depend to a large extent on the competence of the teachers. Qualified professionally trained teachers have the professional skills to impact the desired knowledge to learners.Qualified teachers and the needed facilities for improved teaching and learning of computer studies are in short supplies and it hinders the effectiveness of computer studies in junior secondary school level.

        Therefore, to tackle the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools, the needed facilities should be provided, qualified teachers should be employed to teach computer studies in junior secondary schools.    The study will therefore, determine the possible solutions and strategies to tackle the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools.

Statement of the Problem

        According to Osuala (2002). The emergence of teaching and learning of computer studies in present day educational system is a recent development.This development in education has raised some challenges to computer teachers which are even very few in supply.Therefore, there is need to tackle these challenges of teaching and learning of computer studies.

        The major problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies are lack of facilities, inadequate number of qualified computer teachers and method of teaching and learning of computer studies.

        These problems makes it imperative to the determine the various of ways of tackling the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools in Nsukka local government area of Enugu State.

Purpose of the Study

        The general purpose of this study is to identify the problems militating against teaching and learning of computer studies in Junior Secondary Schools in Nsukka Local government area of Enugu State.

The study is specially aimed at identifying:

i.            Facilities and equipment for teaching and learning of computer studies.

ii.          Methods of teaching and evaluation in  computer studies

iii.        Qualification of Teachers  teaching computer studies.

Research Questions

The following research questions are based on the objectives of the research. They are:

1.  What are the needed facilities for teaching and learning of computer studies in Junior secondary schools.

2.  What are the methods of teaching and Evaluation of computer studies in Junior secondary schools?

3.  Are qualified teachers needed for teaching and Evaluation of computer studies in Junior secondary schools?

Significance of the Study

1. The study will enable the government and school administrators to provide the needed facilities for the teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools for efficient and effective computer studies.

2. The findings of the study will help the teachers to apply the appropriate methods of teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools which will help in producing sound computer literate and self reliant graduates.

3. The study will highlight the qualification for teaching computer studies in junior secondary schools which will enable the government to train and post professional teachers to the various secondary schools.

4. The study will encourage proper utilization of facilities by the teachers and students for effective computer studies in Junior secondary schools.

Scope of the Study

        The researchers covered some secondary school where computer studies are taught.Due to constraints in both time and resources the researcher could only cover some secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State.

Definition Of The Basic Concepts

Computer: According to Bakpo (2003) computer is an electronic machine which under the control of a stored program automatically accepts data in its memory units, manipulate the stored data according to the instructions given by the user and produces results as an output.

Also Ryan .E. (2010) defined computer as an electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data) in a particular form and of performing a sequence of operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instructions (program) to produce a result in the form of information or signals.   

Computer studies:  According to Collins (2014) computer studies is a course of study devoted to using and programming computers.

Teaching: According to Oforkansi (2008). Teaching is a deliberate effort by a mature or experienced person to impart information, knowledge, values, skills, norms (standard behavior), morals (moral values), attitude, language and so on to an immature or less experienced person through the process that is morally and pedagogically acceptable:

Learning: According to Umeano (2010 learning is the process whereby an organism changes its behaviours as a result of experience.



This chapter is done under the following sub-headings:

Conceptual framework and summary of literature review.

i.            Conceptual Framework

ii.          Origin of computer studies as a subject in Nigeria

iii.        Needed facilities and equipment for teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools.

iv.         Methods of teaching and Evaluation of  computer studies

v.           Needed qualification of teachers for teaching and learning of computer studies.

vi.         Summary of literature review.

Conceptual Framework:

The word computer is gotten from the latin word computare meaning anything that computes. According to William (1992) computer is a high-speed electronic device that processes, retrieves and stores programmed information. Agu (1992) defined computer as an electronic device, which stores information, on magnetic tape, analyses it a produces the information as required from the data on the tape.Nwosu (2009) defined as a special multi-purpose electronic device (machine) that is capable of receiving instruction (data), storing and processing it and giving a desired result as output (information) accurately at an incredibly high speed. The computer is made up of analog, Digital and the Hybrid as types. The two major components of the computer are the hardware and software. The hardware are the physical components of the computer while the softwares are the non tangible components known as the programs that manipulates the hardwares

        According to Ryan.E. (2004) computer studies is a course of study devoted to using and programming computers. Skimmer (1980) defined computer education as the system at skill acquisition in the use of computer to solve problems. Computer studies is seen as a subject organized to enable people understand the functions, uses and limitations of computer and to provide opportunities for the study of the modern method of information processing. Nwosu (2009) have it that computer studies could be seen as a process of education which enable people know how to use a computer to run program and diverse applications including business, industry and commerce.

        According to Nworgu (2003) Evaluation is a process of seeking, obtaining and quantifying data with a view to making value judgment about objects, events or their characteristics.Evaluation is quantitative and qualitative. According to Offorma (1994) Evaluation is the process of determining how far the curriculum objectives have been attained. It is a means of finding out the strengths and weaknesses of the learners and the total curriculum endeavour.

Origin of Computer studies as a subject in Nigeria

        Some years back in Nigeria computer studies was not included in the secondary school curriculum but gone are those years and days. This according to Gana (2004) was necessitated as there is no way out of the information age which computer revolution has ushered in and the only way out is through computer literacy.

        The inclusion of computer studies in the curricular of the Nigerian schools came into existence when the federal government of Nigeria took a giant step to push away ignorance and to create more awareness about computers and its utilization in the year 1987. A committee on computer education was set in Federal Ministry of Education (FME) under the office of professor Jibril Aminu. He inaugurated the committee on the 10th of March 1988. The committee was charged with many responsibilities which was planning for dynamic policy on computer education and literacy in Nigeria.

The relevance of computer lent credence to its inclusion into school curricular of primary/ secondary schools. The basic objectives are:

1.  The development of rudimentary knowledge about information system, information processing techniques and the role of computer.

2.  To impart the knowledge about the uses of computer and its application in everyday life.

3.  To develop in the learner an appreciation of how computer works.

4.  To develop an understating of the basic principles of operating a computer.

5.  To expose learners in using programmed packages which are relevant to the interest of the pupils as teaching aid in different subjects.

6.  To develop an understanding of the concepts of different computer language and their application.

7.  To develop in the learner an application of problem solving methods and techniques as they apply to computer programme design, coding and documentation (FGN 1988).

To achieve the above objectives, it was recommended that computer studies be made a core subject at junior level in order to promote computer literacy. That it should enable the students acquire the ability to use the computer in computer-based education at later years and an elective course at the senior secondary school level (FGN, 1988).

Computer studies were finally introduced as a pilot scheme in the federal unity schools and armed forces secondary schools across the country.The primary objectives to impart knowledge and skills that can make an average Nigerian student to use computer as an everyday tool to perform task and solve problems.

Needed facilities and equipment for teaching and learning of computer studies in Junior Secondary Schools.

According to Agu (2005) our teachers, students and even workers need facilities in order to make them efficient in their work and studies.    The manipulation of skill oriented instructional facilities is necessary for the acquisition of practical and applied skill as well as basic scientific knowledge that would facilitate efficient occupational training in computer. The instructional materials in computer studies include all the practical and skill development resources that would facilitate the process of teaching, learning and evaluation of vocational skills. This gives a description of all the facilities, tools and other resources and materials that could be utilized for directing and controlling vocational operation and for reinforcing the teaching and learning of specific skills.With references to the school computer laboratory, facilities should be based on recognized principles and not on personal preferences.

Umeano (2010) stated that the factors that should include among other things the nature of the copulation of which the learners are being prepared for long term planning is necessary in order to recognize number of students, units of lessons, and other organization stages.

For any junior secondary school to actualized effective computer studies, there must be sufficient and latest computers with programs and a computer laboratory. Due to lack of computers and other facilities, some schools teach computer studies theoretically and this is ineffective. The school laboratory of cluster has to be well equipped and handled by qualified teachers. 

According to Okoro (1993) the problems created by non-availability of instructional facilities or equipment are serious and diverse and computer studies happen to be of discipline or rather an area of knowledge which cannot be adequately imparted without proper infrastructural facilities and equipment. As a technical subject, funding for equipment and facilities are necessary.

Okoro (1993) sees lack of instructional facilities in computer education as a great obstacle to the development of the programme. Ryan (2010) said that lack of facilities is the major factor of low level of readiness among the learners. Facilities for training must equally be stored in proper place in other words; the unavailability of spaces for the learning by students and others creates a problem.

Osuala (2002) opined that the following office appliances, furniture and miscellaneous facilities are necessary in computer classroom and laboratory to improve calculators, computers, uninterruptible power supply (ups) printers, diskettes, backups, photocopying machines, key punches, telephone equipment, modern furniture etc. a stand by generator sets is key factor for practicals as the electricity supply is epileptic.

Methods of Teaching Computer Studies

        Some methods could be used in teaching computer studies in secondary schools but the below are discussed in this study:

1.Demonstration method: This method is an instance of somebody showing how a particular thing functions or works or even how something is done. Demonstration method is designed to aid theoretical principles, which are outlined in lessons.The demonstration method could be carried out by demonstrators, teachers or students themselves Offorkansi (2008). This is the most effective method of teaching computer studies. It clarified the purpose for the lesson, shows correct motion and motivates the students. This method offers the teacher the opportunity of accompanying verbal instruction. For instance, most areas in computer studies require extensive equipment and laboratory exposure to reinforce clarity.This fact makes the demonstration method the best method of teaching computer studies. The demonstration method is valuable in teaching application packages such as word perfect, coral draw, graphics etc. when the students are seated in the laboratory, the teacher gives an explanation of the keyboard layout and the various functions of the keys etc. according to Olisakwe (2001); a document may be an article, text or a few lines of information.After an initial good beginning, the teacher goes further to demonstrate how to save a document permanently in the computer memory for future use.

2. Problem Solving Method: This method is the act of finding solutions to problems. The problem solving include: critical thinking, logical, investigation activities, reasoning problems, creative thinking and inquiry Eric (2000).As the term implies, problem solving by the teachers to the students involves the chalkboard or using the computer visual display unit (VDU) so as to bring out the intricacies of the topic of the subject. This method makes the students to develop critical thinking skill which is essentially in today’s work circumstances which workers can anticipate changing jobs several times, directing one’s level of thinking. Students not only develop thinking skills but also learn the subject matter as well.This method usually entails the teacher either solving on the computer visual Display Unit (VDU) or chalkboard. For the teacher to illustrate how to move, copy or delete document, he gets the student to watch him as he manipulate the VDU and the student are free to ask questions wherever it arises.

3. Assignment Method: According to Eric (2000) he defined assignment in his work as the act of giving students work to do based on a subject topic and after marks will be awarded according to the performance of each student.Success in any subject depends on the part of the ability of the teachers to develop meaningful assignment, to check those assignments and to make the result available to the students. One of the most productive ways of applying this method in computer studies is to give assignment after lesson and practical work.This should be given by the teacher. This will instill the individual students participation and comprehension of the study.The students operates the computer from a given length of time then another person will have sometimes with eh system so as to hand in his work for assessing.       

        As marks are awarded to the assignments, students tend to work harder on assignment given to them. The assignments serve as strong motivational force for students.

4. Games and simulation

        Offorkansi (2008) considered games and simulation as the roundabout way of teaching students not so easy topic using games which makes them forget the complexity of the topic and finally make them understand what they are expected to learn.

        Games and simulation is a teaching and learning technique which has been found to provide the students with appropriate practical learning experience. The first personal computers were mainly hobby machines.Ever since then, hundreds of games have been devised for them and new ones keep appearing. One of the most popular of these games are strategic games and sports. These games cater for the needs of various ages and interest group. In addition to recreational values which include enjoyment, excitement and relaxation. This method offers great training and learning facilities. Some instance of computer games are catch “eme” sharks, shooting gallery, F -15 strikes etc.the major advantage of this method is that it conveys a spirit of excitement and stimulates the students to go further in pursuit of some more specialized area of concern which aids in developing curiosity and application for complexity. While its major handicap is that it takes far more time of the limited time available I the school time table stipulated for computer studies period Offorma (1994).

5. Discussion Method: This method involves the interaction between the teacher and his students where they talk about a topic of interest in the light of brining out its difficulty or hidden nature.

        This method is the most commonly used in teaching. Teachers and students are usually involved in this method. It is assumed that the classes are likely to find solution to specific problem on the topics.In computer studies class, if the teacher and the students give the discussion method a chance to demonstrate its special nature and value, it is believed that all students become more able and competent in formulating sound verbal arguments, understanding issues of complexity and self-exploration as a way to understand ideas. Moreover, students will develop a greater appreciation of themselves as teachers and students. Also the potentials of the peers as teachers are achieved. This belief will help facilitate a stronger commitment of lifelong learning. Discussion method often works to reduce student’s alienation from higher learning. A number of topics in computer studies could be taught suing the discussion method. Some of these topics include origin of computer, types of computer, uses of computer among others.

        Nworgu (2003) defined the method or mode of evaluation as the general design or approach to evaluation. Until the late 70’s there was no clearly defined policy on the mode of evaluation in our school system. The evaluation practices were somewhat haphard and lacked any design. However, in 1977, the government first voiced out the introduction of a clearly defined mode of evaluation which is the continuous of a clearly defined mode of evaluation which is the continuous assessment (F.M.E, 1977, Revised, 1982). This method of evaluation became operational in the system 1982. The national policy on education (F.M.E, 1981:14) Proposes that educational evaluation be asses based on the continuous assessment at all level of the educational system. This method of evaluation of student’s ability is to replace that former one shot summative evaluation which used to be administered on students at the end of school year for the purposes of promotion to the next class.Similarly at the completion of a programme or course of study an external evaluation body administers another such examination for the purposes of certification. Although in the old system many teachers administered biweekly or monthly tests, the result of such tests were never incorporated in the final grading for any purposes whatsoever.

        The national policy on education (F.M.E 1981:5) liberalized by basing them in whole or in part on continuous assessment. According to this document, there will be no formal examination at the end of the six years of primary education certification at this level will be based on the continuous assessment. The junior secondary school learning certificate will be on continuous assessment while the senior secondary school leaving certificate will be based on a national examination and continuous assessment.

        Paragraph 43 (2) of the document requires the Universities and other institutions of higher learning to reconsider the practice whereby examination performance in a limited number of papers determines the grading of graduates and encourages them to explore ways of introducing some continuous evaluation.

        According Nworgu (2003) some certificate of secondary education (CSC) examination boards in Britan defines continuous assessment as a process which deliberately allows for periodic assessment throughout the course and takes into account progress towards the goal as well as success in reaching it, the building up of a cumulative judgment about the performance of each individual, a continual updating of teachers judgments about their pupils.A handbook on continuous assessment released by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (1985:8) defined continuous assessment as a mechanism whereby the final grading of a student in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of behaviors takes account in a systematic way of all his performances during a given period of schooling such an assessment involves the use of a great variety of assessment procedures. Hoste and Bloomfield (1975) defined continuous assessment as the systematic collection of marks or grades over a period of time and their aggregation into a final grade.

        Continuous assessment gives scope to the teacher to make use of a wide variety of assessment procedure appropriate to the subject. General course work, practical oral project, field work can all have their place in continuous assessment scheme. Marks may be awarded to work, which arises directly out of the process of learning and is the product of this experience (learning experience assessment) or to the result of a special separate exercise to test whether learning has taken place (special assessment).The handbook on continues assessment released by the federal ministry of Education (F.M.E) science and Technology (1985) characterized continuous assessment scheme as follows:


A.  Systematic

Continuous assessment is cumulative because any decision taken about a student at any point in a programme of study takes into account the fact that the pervious decisions have bearing on the current and future ones. In other words any decision about the individual at any point in time takes into account in a progressive manner the previous decisions. This makes it mandatory on every teacher to keep an up – to – date record on every student. For instance, the accumulated records of the junior secondary school students should guide in determining what a student should do after completing the junior secondary programme.

B.  Guidance oriented

Continuous assessment is guidance oriented because the information obtained from the cumulative records is used in guiding a student to make appropriate educational and career decisions based on his potentialities. For instance, if a student has shown consistent interest and ability in science, he is encouraged to pursue a science based career.


C.  Diagnostic

This involves continuous monitoring of student progress to identify each child’s strength and weakness. These weaknesses could be in terms of what areas that the child has difficulties which objectives he has not achieved and how well he carries out specific tasks.Such identified weakness with their probable causes provide a basic for planning remedical programmes which will help the individual student to overcome the weakness.

D. Prognostic

Continuous assessment is prognostic in the sense that information obtained during the diagnosis could be used to predict how well the child will perform on similar tasks or even on completely different tasks in the future.

The continuous assessment is used as a method of evaluation in computer studies in junior secondary schools.Teachers of computer studies make use of the wide variety of assessment procedures appropriate to the subject include in the assessment scheme general course work and practical for computer studies as marks are awarded to their work which arises directly out of the process of learning and it is the product of their experience. The continuous and qualify data with a view of making value judgment about the students and their characteristics.

Needed qualification of teacher for teaching and learning of computer studies.

Okoro (1993) stated that the key to quality education is the availability of well – qualified and component teachers. Teacher qualification is essential as he has the role of molding of the life of the students within an educational system and this means the teachers must be qualified professionally.

        According to Ryan (2010) a qualified teacher is the one who has successfully followed a recognized full – time teacher – training course at a College of Education or  an educational institution. Success in such educational institution is normally evidenced by certification.Some of the certification includes: National Diploma (ND, National Certificate in education (NCE), Higher National Diploma (HND), Bachelor of science Education (BED) etc.

        A full – qualified computer studies teacher should not only be a master of the subject but should know how best it can be taught. He should also have a good work experience in the area. According to Haruna (2006) the higher the qualification of the teacher the more exposure of the students and this is bound to reflect in the performance of the students.

        According to Gana (2004) the performance of the students depends to a large extent on the competence of the teachers. Therefore the teacher must be competent and qualified. According to Offorma (1994), the value of any study or group of studies pursed in schools is influenced by the ability and preparation of its teacher and when a study is new to education it seems self – evidence that real competent teachers for it must necessarily be scare or non – existent.

        According to Nworgu (2003) the recruitment of professionally and technically qualified teachers is one of the gravest administrative problems of technical/vocational education. There has been a great need for qualified teachers in the country especially in the area of computer studies as a subject.According to Akinsonya (2000) the demand for exceeds the supply of teachers in Nigeria and it is even more difficult to get qualified teachers in some areas of vocational/technical education.

        According to Osuala (2002) most computer teachers in computer studies are not professionally trained. He further observed that out of many computer studies teachers surely only few are trained while others were not trained. He also posited that the quality of education in any school system can never be higher than the quality of the teachers who operate it.

        Haruna (2006) asserts that unqualified teachers tend to produce students of their kind and good qualified teachers tend to produce students of their better kind.

        Ryan. E. (2010) contented that the quality of teachers and their ability to operate the educational components of the national philosophy will be the determinant factor in the achievement of the goals set out in the national policy on education.In the area of computer studies component and qualified teachers have been in short supply. Salaries are pore and have led most academic staff to move in search of better job offer. Perhaps the most single factor in this regard is the low status accorded to teaching profession. They engage themselves in opening up of business such as cyber cafĂ© business centers etc. if the objectives of effective reaching and learning of computer studies are to be achieved, training, retraining and employment of enough qualified and competent teachers should be given the first priority.

Summary of literature Review

        Authors and researchers agree that there is need for facilities, qualified professionally trained component teachers, appropriate method of teaching and method of evaluation for the implementation of effective teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools.These are paramount as the knowledge and the use of computers have made our society in the world a global village which makes everyone have the desire to have an idea and how to use a computer system in order not to be left behind by the fast moving world of computer.

        Computer studies is practically oriented and therefore needs facilities and equipment to enhances the understanding and knowledge of computer operation. The facilities/equipment needed can be a laboratory, classroom instructional material, computers and its peripheral devices etc.

        The teaching methods used for topic in any subject is factor to the understanding of the learners/students. Whether the instructional objectives have been achieved or not lies on the method used. The teaching methods that can be adopted for effective teaching and learning of computer studies includes: demonstration method, problem solving method, assignment method, games and simulation method, discussion method etc.

        The most effective method of evaluation in the teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools is the continuous assessment is systematic, guidance oriented, diagnostic and prognostic. Its wide variety of assessment procedures makes it appropriate for the subject. The theoretical (generational course work) and practical aspects of the subject fits into the continuous assessment scheme very well. Above all is that the continuous assessment enables the teacher to obtain and quantity data with a view of making value judgment about the students.

        The key to quality education is the availability of qualified and component teachers. Teacher qualified essential as he has the role of molding the life of the students within an educational system and this means the teachers must be qualified professionally. A full qualified computer studies teacher should not only be a master of the subject but should also know how best it can be taught.He should also have a good work experience in the area. It is experienced that the higher the qualification and competence of the teacher the greater the performance of the students.

        Therefore, there is need to tackle the problem of teaching and learning of computer studies in junior secondary schools in Enugu state.



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