One more organ we got in pairs.. Still kidney failure is serious cause of concern

The kidneys are bilateral bean-shaped organs, located in the posterior abdomen. They are reddish-brown in colour.

They typically extend from (thoracic) T12 to(lumbar) L3, although the right kidney is often situated slightly lower due to the presence of the liver.

Early signs :there are no rocksolid early signs of kidney.

I have seen some patients in my hospital OPD who came to know about their kidney problems when they are already 50% damaged.

More than 30 million American adults are living with kidney disease and most don’t know it. “There are a number of physical signs of kidney disease, but sometimes people attribute them to other conditions. Also, those with kidney disease tend not to experience symptoms until the very late stages, when the kidneys are failing or when there are large amounts of protein in the urine. This is one of the reasons why only 10% of people with chronic kidney disease know that they have it

Person can survive easily on one kidney and even sometimes don't came to know that one kidney has stopped working.

It's very important to get health checkups in every 6 months…as you reach in your 40s especially for kidneys, fatty liver, blood test. Well there are signs but you can't be sure that they are early signs…some people are diagnosed early when they start showing signs and some don't.

Old saying prevention is better than cure.

Never ignore any sign your body show or when you feel something is wrong. VISIT YOUR DOCTOR.


1)You're more tired, have less energy or are having trouble concentrating.

2)You're having trouble sleeping.

3)You have dry and itchy skin.

4)You feel the need to urinate more often.

5)You see blood in your urine

6}Your urine is foamy. Excessive bubbles in the urine – especially those that require you to flush several times before they go away—indicate protein in the urine. This foam may look like the foam you see when scrambling eggs, as the common protein found in urine, albumin, is the same protein that is found in eggs.

7)You're experiencing persistent puffiness around your eyes.

8) Your ankles and feet are swollen.Decreased kidney function can lead to sodium retention, causing swelling in your feet and ankles. Swelling in the lower extremities can also be a sign of heart disease, liver disease and chronic leg vein problems.

9)You have a poor appetite.

10)Your muscles are cramping

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