To understand why Nigeria is not developed, we first have to understand what needs to be in place for development to occur. I call these factors of national development.
To be developed there has to be consistent and sustained production. For this to happen the factors of production must be in place - Land, Labour, Capital, Resources and Management. We have all these in abundance in Nigeria except the last one. We have zero management. Management encapsulates the ability to make things happen. Our leaders have totally mismanaged the country. That goes without saying. And thats the ONLY reason Nigeria isn't developed. Let me explain why ….. do I really need to? I think it's obvious but I’ll list a few points to highlight factors of national development. In literature elsewhere, you’ll probably read about the classification of the factors of development into political factors, natural environment, debt and economic activity. I don't necessarily agree with this because its too generic, it diverts attention away from unique root causes and hence doesn't quite do justice to Nigeria’s situation. Besides, the factors listed can be controlled or managed one way or the other. If they can be managed then they fall into one category - Leadership/Government.
Much like factors of production, certain things need to be in place for development to take place. These include…. in order I rank most important first
1) Good Leadership/Government. Simply put, leadership is the ability to organise and achieve a desired goal. It requires vision, passion, objectivity, consistent/persistent national enterprise and direction. Nigeria has never had this. Also see Dave Ebi's answer to Why is Nigeria a poor country?
2) Infrastructure - from design technology and processing to hardcore resources like power generation, transportation technology, roads, housing, telecoms, national psyche/culture orchestrated by government (see Dave Ebi's answer to How can we transform Nigeria?), hospitals, agriculture, etc. This emcompasses everything that leads to manufacturing/production and distribution of goods and services. Education should probably come before Infrastructure in order of importance if we want to self develop. However, we can hire expatriates in the interim. Also, both goals can be targeted simultaneously.

3) Education - Nigeria’s education curriculum must be revised. Graduates have exceptionally poor oral and written communication skills. It is so disastrous. Heck… even the president’s speech on his return from the UK is said to be full of errors. There are so many sub factors responsible for this but they are outside the scope of this write up. The key point is you can’t have development without effective communication enshrined in the education system. With reference to 2. above for instance, it is impossible to attain development with a technology process that is full or errors, poorly communicated and totally misunderstood. The education system must be revamped to generate quality graduates that can take Nigeria to where we want it to be. Our education system must be able to compete with the rest of the world if we really want to develop. Did I hear you say impossible? I guess you’re thinking university “handouts” can’t produce quality graduates. Well now … there’s a thought!

5) Sense of national pride - this is presently virtually non existent in Nigeria. Except perhaps in football where a similitude appears to exist. I don’t think it requires further commentary because it is evidently self explanatory. It is impossible to attain development when the constituting parts of the country don’t trust each other, don’t accept that they are one, don’t feel they share equal chance of being treated fairly and evidently don’t want to live together as one. Development is simply impossible in such circumstance.

Let me leave it here; for now