You can use the Android emulator program to install WhatsApp on your home or work computer. These emulators create virtual Android device on your PC, allowing you to install and use WhatsApp and even other Android Apps. Most popular emulators available are Bluestacks, Windro, Andyroid, Droid4X, Xamarin Android Player, Duos M Android Player .

Part One of Three:
Installing BlueStacks

1) Download and install BlueStacks App Player.BlueStacks is an Android emulator for Windows and OS X. You can use it to run Android-only apps without having to use an Android device. BlueStacks is available for free from the BlueStacks website.If you are using Windows, download the BlueStacks Windows installer. If you are using a Mac, be sure to download the Mac version instead.When installing BlueStacks, make sure that "App store access" is checked.

2) Start BlueStacks for the first time.BlueStacks will take a few moments to install the included apps. Once it starts, you will be taken through a quick tour of the interface. After the tour, the App Store will initialize.

3) Sign in with your Google account. In order to access the App Store, you will need to have a Google account. This is because BlueStacks is an Android emulator, which requires a Google account to download apps. You can either enter in an existing Google account or create a new one within the app.

Part Two of Three:
Installing WhatsApp

1) Open the Google Play Store. Click the magnifying glass icon in the upper-left corner of the BlueStacks window. This will open the Google Play Store. If this is your first time running it, you will be asked to accept the terms and conditions.

2) Search for WhatsApp. Click the magnifying glass icon in the upper-right corner of the Google Play Store window. Type "WhatsApp" into the search field and select it from the list of results.You can usually find WhatsApp in the top row of apps when you first open the Google Play Store as well.

3) Download and install the app. Click the "Install" button at the top of the WhatsApp app page. A list of permissions will be displayed, which you will need to agree to in order to continue. When you click "Accept", the app will be downloaded and installed. You will be notified when it's ready to use.

4) Alternatively, install WhatsApp using an APK file. If you'd rather avoid using the Play Store, you can download an APK file of the WhatsApp app. An APK file is the file format for Android app installation programs. Once the APK has been downloaded, it will automatically install itself in BlueStacks when you double-click the file.You can get the WhatsApp APK from the WhatsApp website, or from a variety of Android community websites.

Part Three of Three:
Logging In and Chatting

1) Start the app. If you're still in the App Store, you can start WhatsApp by clicking the "Open" button on the WhatsApp app page. If you're on the BlueStacks main screen, click the WhatsApp icon in the top row of your apps.

2) Verify WhatsApp with your mobile phone.When you first start WhatsApp, you will need to agree to the WhatsApp terms and conditions. After agreeing, enter in your phone number. WhatsApp will send you an SMS message containing a code to verify your account.Because BlueStacks is on your computer, but the SMS is sent to your phone, the initial verification will fail. You will need to try the verification a second time and have WhatsApp call you. You will receive a call with an automated message with the code to type in.

3) Create your account. After you finish the verification process, you will be asked to create your profile if you are creating a new account. Click "Next" when finished.

4) Add contacts. If your are connecting for the first time, your contacts will be scanned to find other WhatsApp users. You can choose to invite friends at this point.

5) Start using WhatsApp. Your ready to start chatting at this point. WhatsApp functions exactly like it would on a mobile device, with your mouse acting as your finger. Select a contact or conversation, and use your computer keyboard to type messages. See this guide for more details on using WhatsApp.


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