Background of The Study
Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge skill, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training or research.
          According to Ukeji (1979), Education is a process by which people are inculcated on the culture into which they are born in order that they may advance it.
Okafor Festus (2000), sees education as the process of acculturation through which the individual potentialities and their maximum activation when necessary according to right reason and to achieve thereby his perfect self fulfillment.
Some educationist defined education as the process of transmitting what is worthily in politics, religion, economics, culture, customs and mores to those committed to it.
          From the definitions from different educationists we can understand therefore that education is a means of societal change through which the society transmits their culture, customs, values, beliefs, mores and attitudes to its generation. It can be seen as vehicles of change. As the society is not statue education is a continuous process that goes from the cradle to the grave.
          Education can be acquired through formal, informal and non – formal education system.
Informal Education: this is an education gotten from family, society ad things around an individual.
Formal Education: this is an organized means of learning through schools or educational institutions of all types.
Non – Formal Education: this is a means of achieving education for all and for life, also education is commonly and formally divided into stages such as preschool, primary schools, secondary school and Colleges, University or apprentionship.
The development of any nation hinges on her educational philosophy. Hence education is described to be an instrumental par excellence in any national development. The purpose of education therefore, is to enable a child to inculcate the right type of values and attitudes for his survival in a competitive environment. Education is to enhance the acquisition of appropriate knowledge and skills and the development of mental, physical and social abilities and competences in the learners so that they could loyally live and contribute to the development of their nations and the world at large. In order to ensure the attainment of Nigerian noble educational goals at all levels, a variety of teaching programmes have been mounted for the advancement of learning through the establishment of Schools, Colleges and other Educational Institutions (Publicly and Privately Owned). This effort has always been complimented with proper assessment in order to ensure
the maintenance of minimum educational standards through appropriate agencies i.e Examination Bodies such as National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB), National Examination Council (NECO), West African Examinations Council (WAEC), Joint Admission and Matriculations Board (JAMB) and other associated bodies. Experience had revealed that the introduction of Universal Primary Education in 1973 in Nigeria resulted into population explosion in school enrolment which in turn makes the teachers to lose control over their wards while the educational value system became devastated with the
large body of untrained and incompetent teaching force handling the volatile classrooms as well as curriculum content they do not know too well. The number of candidates writing public examinations outstripped the number of places available for advancement. Resources that are available have not increase in the same proportion to offset the cost and the contending negative forces of examinations. The entire educations system became ram-shackled.
The oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of current English new edition by A.S Horn by (1999) defines examination as a formal test of somebody’s knowledge or ability especially by means of written questions or practical exercises. In educational context, examinations are ways of testing systematical to determine the extent to which the student achieve instructional objectives.          Examination is a system of educational measurement designed to obtain information about those who are examined or a process of assessing learning outcome (Obidoa, Onyechi & Okere, 2013). Valid and reliable examination results have practical utility in education such as certification after completing a course of study (Ogunboyede, 2006), monitoring teaching and learning in schools (Blacks & William, 1998), diagnosing learning difficulties and selection of prospective candidates for higher training programme (Kolawole, 2014). Examination can take the form of written exercises (created response items or selected response items), oral questions or practical tasks, depending on the attributes being measured.
Over the years, the most recognisable and traditional type of examination in Nigeria has been pencil-and-paper test. This is synonymous to written exercises requiring technical procedures to accomplish. These procedures include
test conceptualisation, test construction, test tryouts, test revision, test administration, test scoring and interpretation and reporting examinees’ response which take a great deal of time to process (Cohen, Swedlik & Sturman, 2013). Sadly, the pencil-and-paper examination has been fraught with numerous problems ranging from shortage of examination materials to impersonation, cheating in examination halls, cases of missing scripts, improper scoring of examinees’ responses, delay in computing and processing of results, demand for gratification by the lecturers, delay in the issuance of transcript of academic records and so forth (Abdulkareem & Alabi, 2004; Ekere, 2009). The disturbing trend in examination fraud in Nigeria tends to show that educational measurement is losing credibility, a serious threat to quality educational standard. Fagbamiye (1998) remarked that examination is a powerful educational tool for measuring and judging the standard of education in any country and hardly can a country rise beyond the level of her educational standard except such a country fashions out a dynamic educational system matched with valid and reliable testing programme. In other words, without valid and reliable examination and examination results, there can be no national development either socially, economically, scientifically or technologically. Consequently, there arises a question, if pencil-and-paper examination fails to repose confidence in the test takers and test users, what alternative mode would provide credibility and civility besides validity and reliability?
From the West Africa Examination Council point view, examination malpractice can be defined as any irregular behaviour exhibited by candidate or anybody charged with the conduct of examination in such examination such behaviour must be a sort of contravention of the rules and regulations governing the conduct of such examination.
However, in common usage especially in contemporary Nigeria, examination malpractice refers to infringement of the prescribe code of conduct and behaviour first by the candidate and then by the teachers, invigilators, parents and markers as well.
Then oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of current English new edition by A.S Horn by (1999) defines malpractice as wrongdoing, neglect of duty e.g. dishonest help of a position of trust for personal gain.
In the Nigerian school system various forms of examinations are noticed. These are the entrance examinations, the terminal and promotion examinations, the senior school certificate examination and the degree or diploma examinations. Students are required to pass any forms of examinations they partake in. But these days students now find various means of achieving success in these examinations and one of such ways is by cheating in examinations through leakage in examination papers, impersonation, external assistance, copying, smuggling of foreign materials, substitution of script and improper assignment.
The fact remains that examination malpractice has become usual practice in Nigeria. Examination has been recognized as forming the nucleus of education without which the enterprise will be incomplete.
Empiricism shows that examinations indicate the extent of factual knowledge acquired by students, predict future educational achievement and provide a means of selecting suitable candidates for certain educational courses or occupation.
One of the principal aim of examination is to assess how much learning has taken place and to what extent the educational objectives and goals have been achieved. One serious problem plaguing Nigeria system of education today is large examination malpractice coupled with intellectual dishonesty. Our pupils and students devise as a daily routine, new tricks to beat genuine supervisors and examiners.
The genesis of examination malpractice in Nigeria can be traced to 1914 when the senior Cambridge examination leaked. There was leakage in the West African Examination Council in 1963, Omotos (1988). The incidence of examination malpractice is multi-dimensional in nature. Smuggling of prepared notes into examination hall. They insult, embarrass, threaten and even assault invigilators and supervisors who failed to co-operate with them in their unholy and nefarious acts.
Cheating behaviour exhibited by the school, population is a big problem to our people. School administrators were recently called upon to desist from helping their students to perpetrate in examination malpractice.
Individual however put the blame on lack of proper social value system; the high premium attached to paper qualifications as prerequisite for admission and gainful employment.
Educationally, according to Thyen (1974:33) the purpose of examination are among others:
a.         To ascertain whether a specified standard has been reached.
b.         To select a given number of candidates
c.         To test the efficiency of teaching and learning
d.         To evaluate each candidates subsequent performance
e.         To predict each candidates subsequent performance
In education context, sexamination are ways of testing systematically to determine the extent to which students achieve intuitional objectives. It becomes clear that when one’s knowledge or ability is tested any act of wrongdoing shall be a negation of the aims and objectives for which the examination were set up.
In 1970 there were regulates and malpractice in west African school certificates examination. The 1981 leakage were however, the most wades pared, the worst in the history, of West African Examination Council (WAEC) Nigeria Omotoso etal (1998).
There are different types of examination malpractice which includes the followings:
@ Mass cheating/co-operation: This involves: the students or learners, teachers, invigilators and the principals.
@ Impersonation: This is the method of paying someone else to write the exam or by contract.
@ Bribe: This is giving money, sex, gift to encourage cheating.
@ Foreign material: This is bringing of answer aids into the exam hall. It is commonly called Expo, Bullet, Mgbo, chips Omokirikiri etc.
@ Leakage: This system of getting the question before the exam
@ Clearance fee: This is a levy imposed all the student by the school to settle the invigilator so as to allow malpractice in the whole school.
@ Special Centres: These are private expensive places where one can get certificates without any effort
@ Threats and assault: This is special way cult guys students and everyone.
@ Sign and codes: These are secrete operation use to pass answers to the students.
@ Mass promotion: promotion every students by up grading them because of money or favour.
@ Sales of handout: This is carried out in higher institution by lecturers at exorbitant price and threatens students to buy or jail.
The following people are involved in examination malpractices. They includes: principals, invigilators, Teachers, Parents, Typist, friends, clergymen and women and even the government.
The consequences of examination malpractices are:
v It results to indiscipline and laziness.
v It creates wasted life, frustration and agony
v It brings shame disgrace to one’s family and the country.
v It brings fake and forgery of identity
v Reduces the standard and value of a country.
v It produces a lawless and disordered society.
The Oxford Advanced learner’s Dictionary of current English new edition by A.S Hornby (1999) defines eradication as to destroy something completely, to put an end to something.
Statement of the Problem
The occurrence of examination malpractice at any level of educational stratum possess the greatest threat to the validity and reliability of any examination and consequently to the authenticity and recognition of certificate issued. The numerous examination malpractice among students in Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu State over the years have become a growing concern since cheating is such a longstanding and global problem inherent by human beings. Effort should therefore be directed towards controlling cheating behaviours and also finding the possible causes of the problem among students in Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu State.
Purpose of the Study
This study will concentrate on examination malpractice, their causes, and possible strategies to eradicate examination malpractice among secondary school students in Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu State.
Significance of the Study
The significance of this research cannot be over emphasized; this is because examination malpractice has more harm than good in our secondary school system and the society at large. For it has helped in the production of half baked students, teachers and people parading with certificate they cannot defend.
The importance of this research is to find out a lasting solution to the problem of examination malpractice in our secondary school here in Udenu L.G.A.
The implementation of this finding will not only expose the extent to which students are involved in examination malpractice but will also suggest some remedies or a lasting solutions to this academic dishonesty.
This study is also expected to help school administrators, teachers and guidance counsellors to curb or control cheating behaviour in schools.
Conclusively, examination malpractice should be stopped in order to produce qualitative students in our educational system, which will make it rich the zenith of academic excellent.
Scope/Limitation of the Study
This study will concentrate on examination malpractice, their causes, and possible strategies to eradicate examination malpractice in Udenu Local Government Area of Enugu State.
 Research Questions
The research questions for this study are stated below:
1.    Why do students indulge in examination malpractice?
2.   Why do Paucity of educational facilities engenders examination malpractice in Nigeria?
3.   Why do non-coverage of school syllabuses buttresses the preponderance of examination malpractice?
4.   Why do poor study habits contribute to the problem of examination malpractice in the Nigerian Education system?
5.   What roles have the school counsellors played so far in trying to curb these behaviours?

Definition Of basic concepts
In view of the fact that different meanings can be assigned will apply to the following words as used in this research work.
Examination : A test of capacity and knowledge. It is a determinants of a learner’s strength and weakness necessary for his/her academic adjustment and work life.
 Malpractice : It is a behaviour of a person contrary to laid down code of conduct.
 Cheating :Cheating is refer to a type of examination malpractice, which takes place in the examination hall.
Guidance : This is an assistance given to an individual either by an adult or counsellor in order to help them discover themselves and cope with life situation.
Counselling : This is a relationship which exist between a counsellor and a counsellee in order to provide solution a problem encountered by the counsellee.
Counsellor : Is one who counsels, assists or help the students or an individual to solve academic and psychological problems.
Counsellee : Is one who seeks advice or help from the counsellor in solving his/her personal problems.


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